The largest solar flare in 4 years on the short-wave communication

China Meteorological Administration, the National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center monitoring shows that the clock at 10:00 15th of an outbreak of solar activity area X2.2-class flare. The flares caused the outbreak in China on the sudden ionospheric disturbance, impact on short-wave communications. This is almost 4 years, the maximum height of the torches. 09:56, China Meteorological Administration, National Center for monitoring space weather monitoring and warning to the sunspot area (active area 11 158) a class X2.2 solar flare erupted, accompanied by bursts of type II and type IV radio. The Breitling Clock. Sunspots cause the Earth's surface shortwave signal loss or interruption of this flare in southern China caused some affect short-wave communications. Previously, 14 February morning, the onset of the active area of ​​a M6.6-class flare, solar radio flux also reached 24-week high solar activity. However, no significant flare of the sun after the storm signals have little effect on the Earth.

Solar flares are one of the most intense solar activity. Cycle of about 11 years. His life is only a few minutes, a few minutes in between, and his rapid rise to maximum brightness, then slowly weakened will, strong solar storms are an important indicator for the event. Breitling Professional Watches. Proceed with the advent of solar activity, solar activity level increases accelerated speed of the solar surface complex sunspot group with increasing frequency, the sun will be more frequent outbreaks. National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center said the next three days to sell the Breitling watches to the outbreak of solar activity areas can still be above the X-class flares, the National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Centre will closely follow-up of events the timely release of prediction and early warning information.

The important impact of solar flares in 2012

Solar flares are thunderstorms that occur in the outer layer of the sun producing a explosion of extremely strong and dangerous radiation. A typical solar activity and decrease in 11-year periods, as expected with the next storm in 2012. But due to several calculations of NASA scientists, the force of the 2012 solar storm in contrast to all solar storm ever in the history of mankind.Since 2001, scientists from NASA, the prosecution predicted by a massive solar storm earth in 2012 strike of an intensity of 100 million hydrogen bombs go at the same time. In August 2010, warned NASA that developed a massive solar storm and is very likely to destroy the earth grid. What does this mean for the planet? No power.

GPS systems fail, airports are exposed to mass communication will be eliminated with a potential wipe out satellites in orbit. It is thrown a complete blackout in the history of the solar energy world.The FlaresSimilar solar flares in the past (1859 and 1921), global chaos, destruction of a large amount of telegraph wire connections. The solar flare prediction for 2012 is expected to be catastrophic even more than before as we mainly rely on technological devices in our everyday life.The impact according to NASA, the solar storm forecasts for 2012 that up to 2 trillion dollars of damage to electrical ground transformers and technology and lose power supply for up to 10 years. Devastation electricity networks with other communications technology will be devastating, scientists conclude, with headline results in a loss of state control of the scenario.

Solar Flares And Migraine

You probably already know, what are solar flares. These violent explosions in the solar atmosphere can release huge bursts of energy, the match shared by millions of hydrogen bombs in unison. Solar flares of the sun heat gas to temperatures of several million Kelvin. They accelerate electrons, protons and ions near the speed of light and generate enormous electromagnetic radiation.

Sunspots affect geomagnetic fields, but what they have to do with migraines? Are there such things as solar flares migraines?

Geomagnetic activity

It has long been recognized that the Earth's magnetic field affects life on our planet. The magnetic field is not always the same, though. It varies in intensity. Sometimes it is stronger. At other times, it is weaker. These variations are called geomagnetic activity, or GMA. A large part of the GMA is influenced by the sun, in particular by solar flares.

Geomagnetic activity is divided by four levels:

1. calm
2. unknown
3. active
4. stormy

Geomagnetic activity and your health

After a relatively recent studies changes in geomagnetic activity can affect cardiovascular health. There is reason to believe that GMA, especially solar flares can affect other areas of health as well.

Solar flares and migraine

An observation link GMA and migraine found that severe migraine can be seen in hospitals on days of high GMA. This means that when solar flares active or stormy influence levels of geomagnetic activity, doctors and nurses to patients with severe migraine headaches, there to prepare for treatment.

The ratio of solar flares and migraine is strong. It has been shown that there are significant correlation between the two. An interesting study of this correlation is given in the following article: Kuritzky, A., Y. Zoldo, R. Hering, E. Stoupel (1987). Geomagnetic activity
and the severity of the migraine attack, Headache February 1987, pp 87-89.
Stoupel, E., et al. (1989)

Migraines can be triggered by a variety of internal and external stimuli. For some migraine sufferers, it may be caffeine, chocolate or red wine. For others, it could stress or the let-down period, follows on the heels of stress. Many suffer from migraine say that weather is a major trigger for them. It could be a storm here on earth, or solar flares, a storm on the sun. When they keep diaries, the sides give their migraines to model the weather, or solar flares.

Possibly, but Unproven

While researchers are admitting that it does have a link between solar flares and migraine is not yet the evidence clear. Of those who consider migraine to do diaries,

When Dr. Patricia B. Prince and their colleagues at Boston Children's Hospital set out to examine the relationship between headaches and weather, they found that patients often believe weather was triggering your migraine headaches. However, if patients migraine diary, which was detected in only about 20 percent of the cases maintained. Dr. Prince and her team believe that at least some migraine sufferers may find their memories for a likely trigger selectively remember only the attacks, to support their prior beliefs.

This author read a personal account on the internet story of a man who was watching television one evening, because not the slightest hint of a migraine. The news anchor announced a forecast of intensified solar flares and warning migraine sufferers, the solar flares and migraine come hand in hand.

Sure enough, wrote the TV viewers. Soon after I got a terrible migraine solar flares.

Conclusion of the Matter

Solar flares have shown that interfere in the human body. There is no doubt. Whether solar flares is the cause of migraine is not yet proven, but there are some indications that they may be triggered at least some individuals.

be the solution for you, can pay attention to your own sensitivity to solar flares. Keep a migraine journal solar flares, the inclusion of the onset and duration of each headache. Not keep track of solar flares, which can be used as trigger this self-fulfilling expectations of migraine. After a headache over, go back and check whether solar flares, when it began. If you can not trust himself not to look ahead, that someone objectively review the information for you.

If you and your doctor will pay attention to your journal, it can help you prevent the occurrence of solar flares associated with migraine headaches.

Solar Flare Forecasts For 2012

The sun rotates on a 7.25-degree position is the same as the earth. But because of its imperfect rotation tendencies, the sun is to move probable disorder of the inner core and is therefore highly unstable. The internal disturbance eventually works its way on the outer surface and shoots like a solar flare. Solar flares are small pieces of the sun, which leads from the sun, emission of harmful radiation and enormous energy that go into the room like a solar bullet.The process much like how the Earth has four seasons of the year is over, the sun above end solar cycles at age 11. The state of the solar cycle was at its peak in 2001. Each solar cycle has a phase when the solar flares are most powerful, often near the solar equator, called the solar maximum, with the next massive, probably in the 21 December 2012 to take - a date predicted by the Mayan Calendar! Recently, the Sun went through a long period of quiet solar activity than scientists thought the sun ends in the last cycle. The quiet interval concerned scientists from NASA and how they spent security measures that we have a strong solar flare critical soon.Consequence EarthIs to see 2012 end of the world? take several solar flares, the earth were small, but small flares can even more threatening. For example, in 1989 a flare hit North America and destroyed many electricity networks in the U.S. and Canada caused power outages. Solar flares are also adversely affect known for human life, as would a giant torch, which beat expected in 2012 to remove completely satellite, telecommunications, laptops, and GPS.

Solar Flares thunderstorms that occur in the outer part of the sun producing a explosions are incredibly strong and dangerous radiation. A normal solar activity increases and decrease in 11-year periods, with the next storm expected in 2012. But as a result of a series of calculations by NASA researchers, the pressure of the 2012 solar storm nothing like any solar storm ever recorded in the historical past of humanity.Since 2001, the NASA scientists are monitoring a huge solar storm forecast to strike the Earth in 2012 with an intensity of 100 million hydrogen bombs go at the same time. In August 2010, NASA warned that a massive solar storm is growing and is very likely to destroy the earth grid. What does this mean for the planet? No power. GPS systems will fail, hang airports, mass transfer is to get rid of the possibility of satellites in orbit will be exterminated. It brought a total blackout of all the world.The historical past of FlaresComparable solar flares in the past (1859 and 1921) to the global chaos, destruction of a large amount of telegraph wire connections. predicted the solar flare prediction for 2012 is that much more than it was disastrous as we sketched out above all technological gadgets in our daily life.The EffectAs by NASA, the solar storm forecasts for 2012 that up to two trillion dollars of damage Earth electrical transformers and power technology and lose power for about ten years. Destruction will be devastating, scientists close to electricity networks and other communications technology with headline results in a loss of government management of the predicament

Can the Occurrence of Solar Flares Affect Migraine Headaches

Solar flares have more effects on the earth and its inhabitants than many people believe. Solar flares are energy explosions that cause the gases of the sun to become millions of times hotter than usual. This causes a reaction of ions, electrons, and protons that result in electromagnetic disturbances which affect the geomagnetic fields of the earth. It's no secret that the magnetic fields of the earth have some kind of affect on all its inhabitants. These fields are always changing intensity. These fluctuations, called geomagnetic activity, is largely influenced by the sun and its flares.  The are four levels of geomagnetic activity ranked strongest to weakest: stormy, active, unsettled, and quiet. So what relation do these levels have with migraines? Scientific studies have proven that life on earth is affected by changes in the magnetic fields. This research has shown that humans experience heart or cardiovascular changes as a response to the geomagnetic activity levels. It is these breakthrough results that led scientists to believe that geomagnetic activity can affect other areas of human health, like migraines. Quite basically, incidences of reported and treated migraines are directly related to the geomagnetic activity levels. On days where the levels were higher, there were more migraines reported. This presents a huge benefit for medical practitioners. They can use the activity of solar flares and the geomagnetic activity levels to prepare for migraine patients. You have the ability to determine if your migraine headaches are a result of solar flares and geomagnetic activity levels. You can keep a migraine journal to log incidences of migraine headaches. Then, you can check online for information about geomagnetic activity fluctuations on the days when you had migraines.