Solar Flare Forecasts For 2012

The sun rotates on a 7.25-degree position is the same as the earth. But because of its imperfect rotation tendencies, the sun is to move probable disorder of the inner core and is therefore highly unstable. The internal disturbance eventually works its way on the outer surface and shoots like a solar flare. Solar flares are small pieces of the sun, which leads from the sun, emission of harmful radiation and enormous energy that go into the room like a solar bullet.The process much like how the Earth has four seasons of the year is over, the sun above end solar cycles at age 11. The state of the solar cycle was at its peak in 2001. Each solar cycle has a phase when the solar flares are most powerful, often near the solar equator, called the solar maximum, with the next massive, probably in the 21 December 2012 to take - a date predicted by the Mayan Calendar! Recently, the Sun went through a long period of quiet solar activity than scientists thought the sun ends in the last cycle. The quiet interval concerned scientists from NASA and how they spent security measures that we have a strong solar flare critical soon.Consequence EarthIs to see 2012 end of the world? take several solar flares, the earth were small, but small flares can even more threatening. For example, in 1989 a flare hit North America and destroyed many electricity networks in the U.S. and Canada caused power outages. Solar flares are also adversely affect known for human life, as would a giant torch, which beat expected in 2012 to remove completely satellite, telecommunications, laptops, and GPS.

Solar Flares thunderstorms that occur in the outer part of the sun producing a explosions are incredibly strong and dangerous radiation. A normal solar activity increases and decrease in 11-year periods, with the next storm expected in 2012. But as a result of a series of calculations by NASA researchers, the pressure of the 2012 solar storm nothing like any solar storm ever recorded in the historical past of humanity.Since 2001, the NASA scientists are monitoring a huge solar storm forecast to strike the Earth in 2012 with an intensity of 100 million hydrogen bombs go at the same time. In August 2010, NASA warned that a massive solar storm is growing and is very likely to destroy the earth grid. What does this mean for the planet? No power. GPS systems will fail, hang airports, mass transfer is to get rid of the possibility of satellites in orbit will be exterminated. It brought a total blackout of all the world.The historical past of FlaresComparable solar flares in the past (1859 and 1921) to the global chaos, destruction of a large amount of telegraph wire connections. predicted the solar flare prediction for 2012 is that much more than it was disastrous as we sketched out above all technological gadgets in our daily life.The EffectAs by NASA, the solar storm forecasts for 2012 that up to two trillion dollars of damage Earth electrical transformers and power technology and lose power for about ten years. Destruction will be devastating, scientists close to electricity networks and other communications technology with headline results in a loss of government management of the predicament

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